

Technique - Pixilation

세계 공통어로 인식되는 영어로 의사 소통하지만 지역마다 교육 수준에 따라 각기 다른 영어 액센트(accent)가 존재한다.
영어에 서투른 한 여성이 버스 정류장에서 six와 sex를 발음을 혼동해서 생기는 에피소드.

This is the conversation between two people at the bus stop, one is a British and has a particular accent and the other is a foreigner. As one word has a very similar pronunciation for foreigners (e.g Six and Sex), so for some people, it can almost sound like the same word. While the cardboard character is spinning, the conversation is in progress; however, there are slight misunderstandings between these two words.
Finally, the man is getting angry because the woman is answering incoherently. And then, the man leaves and shouts “fuck you”. At that moment, a bus passes the bus stop. The woman just only hears the words “you”. She thinks he is saying “thank you~” Minutes later, the other person with a different accent asks the woman same question.

"Can I get the 6 here?"

Written, directed & animated by YunJung JANG
Sound by DJ 5duck


The lover under the moon
Technique - Stop motion

그 작품은 조선시대 3대 화가인 신윤복의 월야정인(月下情人)에 영감을 받은 작품으로, 두 개의 갓등 속 그림자를 이용하여 조선시대 양반과 기생의 이룰 수 없는 사랑을 Shadow animation으로 표현하였다.

Written, directed & animated by YunJung JANG
Sound by DJ 5duck